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  • info@worldxplorer.co

Terms of Use

Welcome to the corporate website of WorldXplorer. This website gives assistance and acquaints customers with travel information and helps customers determine the availability of travel-related goods and services. We make legitimate reservations and transact business with travel suppliers, bearing in mind that these information are for no other purposes. In using the terms "we", "us", "our" and "WorldXplorer". The term "you" refers to the customer visiting the Website and/or booking a reservation through us on this Website, or through our customer service agents.

The use of this website by you does not create an employer/employee relationship, a joint venture shareholder agreement, a memorandum of understanding or a partnership agreement.

The use of this site is governed by the Terms and Conditions set forth. PLEASE READ THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS WEBSITE. The information and materials provided by WorldXplorer may be used for informational purposes only. By using, accessing or downloading materials from this website you agree to follow the terms and provisions as outlined in this legal notice, which apply to all visits to WorldXplorer’s website, both now and in the future. WorldXplorer may at any time revise and update the Terms and Conditions. You are encouraged to periodically visit this page to review the most current Terms and Conditions to which you are bound. If you do not agree to these Terms and Condition of Use, please do not use this website

Conditions of use

Your access to this Website would be conditional upon your acceptance without alteration/changes of all the terms, conditions, and notices set forth below (collectively, the "Agreement"). You agree to be bound by the agreement by accessing or using this Website in any manner. Ensure that you read the Agreement carefully. Please do not use this Website if you do not accept all of these terms and conditions. Be sure to return to this page periodically to review the most current version of the Agreement. We reserve the right at any time, at our sole discretion, to revise this Agreement without prior notice, and to withdraw or restrict access to the use of this Website in whole or in part at any time also without prior notice. Your continued use of the website signifies your acceptance of the updated or modified Agreement

To use this website you must:

- Be at least 18 years of age

- Possess the legal authority to create a binding legal obligation.

- Be willing to use this Website in accordance with this Agreement.

- Be willing to only use this Website to make legitimate reservations for you or for another person for whom you are legally authorized to act.

- Ensure all information supplied by you on this Website is true, accurate, current and complete.

You will take all necessary steps to safeguard your WorldXplorer account if you have one, and will at all times be in charge for the use of your account or by any other person. We reserve the sole right to deny access to the use of this website and related services to anyone, at any time and for any reason, which includes the violation of this agreement.

Termination of Use

WorldXplorer may, in its sole discretion, terminate or suspend your access to all or part of the WorldXplorer website, including, but not limited to any bulletin boards on its site, for any reason, including without limitation, breach of this agreement. In the event this agreement is terminated, the restrictions regarding materials appearing on the site and the representations and warranties, indemnities, and limitation of liabilities set forth in this agreement shall survive any such termination.

Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria exclusive of its choice of law principles. The Nigerian courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction and venue over any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement, and each party hereby consents to the jurisdiction and venue of such courts. If you do not agree with the governing law of these terms, please do not use this Site. Any contentions, claims by you evolving from your access to use this website must be brought within six (6) months from the time which such action arose.

The question of validity of any part of this agreement to any applicable law shall be preceded by a valid provision that closely matches the intent of the original agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement between you and WorldXplorer in relation to the website with the exception of statements made fraudulently, each party agrees that it shall have no remedy in respect of any untrue statement made to them upon which they relied in entering this Agreement. All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved

General Provisions

If any provision of this agreement is deemed void, unlawful or otherwise unenforceable for any reason, that provision shall be severed from this agreement and the remaining provisions of this agreement shall remain in force. This contains the entire agreement between you and WorldXplorer concerning your use of the site, and the agreement shall not be modified, except in writing, signed by both parties. If you have questions regarding WorldXplorer's Terms and Conditions, please email:

© Copyright WorldXplorer. All rights reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without permission is prohibited except as allowed under local and International copyright laws. All the text, graphics, design, content, and other works are the copyrighted works.

Travel Locations

Please be aware that the degrees of travel risk in each country varies and that natural disasters could coincide with your travel itinerary. You are therefore urged to take all necessary precautions, and measures as well as heed to announcements by relevant authorities. WorldXplorer will not be held responsible for the injuries suffered, nor loss or damage that may arise out of travel to places of risk. WorldXplorer will not be held to responsible for acts of God, force majeure, acts of government or authority that might impede your travel.

WorldXplorer, its subsidiaries, agents, partners do not represent that the dissemination of information through this website would be accurate. WorldXplorer would take all responsible steps to transmit up to date information on its website but would not held responsible for errors on pages on hotels information on hotel’s related operational services, booking prices, hotel ratings, products and packages. We will take all responsible steps to correct errors made on pricing list and reservation made based on those errors and we grant that you will be able to keep such reservation at the available price out at your option and at no cost.

The choice for opting for any of these products and services contained on this website are yours and WorldXplorer is not obliged and does not represent or make recommendations of products and services displayed on its website or by its affiliate. WorldXplorer and its affiliates would not be held liable for erroneous and fraudulent mails sent through its websites, servers and companies and we maintain that our sites are free from viruses. WorldXplorer disengages itself from damage of property injuries to persons, acts and omissions, breaches, errors or deaths arising from the acts of independent contractors, hotel suppliers who are not agents of WorldXplorer and its affiliates. You are therefore prohibited from bringing actions against WorldXplorer where you fail to access or use website or in cases of delay as well.

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